Our Services

DHO is pleased to offer its clients a choice of three professional service packages based on the requirements of the company: Standard, Ultra, and Premium.
The service packages can be upgraded dynamically based on the demands of current circumstances and business activity!

The service includes a personal secretary who is familiar with you and your company and will oversee every aspect of the office’s administrative operations:

  • Receiving and making calls for the company on any topic or issue
  • Management of meeting calendars.
  • Management of suppliers and customers.
  • Additionally, any creative office activity is required to promote your company.

We believe professionally designed presentations and documents, greatly improve your company’s reputation and open new doors for you. Our service assists with designing presentations as well as creating Word and Excel documents.


The service includes full business office management, which includes e-mails, printing letters, requests, legal documents, reports, and more.

Marketing and customer relationship management

A business is measured by its customer service – the satisfaction of your customers is the eminent goal of all of us. Organization, management, and ongoing maintenance of databases such as your customers’ mailing list, contact information, inventory, letters, forms, orders, etc., is one of the main challenges in any business. An organized and accessible list of your customers and their contact information will help you maintain a satisfactory customer service system.


This is the core of any business. The amount and time a business spends on managing supplier relationships, checking costs, inspecting competitors, and more are the most expensive of all. DHO will review agreements with suppliers and services rendered to reduce costs and conduct an external/internal survey Whenever there is a need to re-examine the company’s suppliers.


Small and medium-sized business owners feel that administration, paperwork, and bookkeeping consume valuable time that could be spent on sales and marketing. We manage all financial matters for you using business management software and manual means, organize and monitor the business’s financial movements, prepare paperwork for your accountant, handle salaries, and provide ongoing consulting. We will relieve you of the administrative burden so that you can focus on running your business.




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